Search results

  1. aveli

    Jurassic World Evolution

    Can't argue with those graphics.
  2. aveli

    Jurassic World Evolution

    Jurassic World? This sounds interesting, imust check it out at some point.
  3. aveli

    What was your first game on the PS4?

    Oh I forgot abouyt God Of War, I had a lot of fun playing it on ps4.
  4. aveli

    TV Shows on TV or PC

    I would choose pc over Tv any day. There is massive content online compared to what you get on Tv imo.
  5. aveli

    Any Good anime of 2018

    I'm not an anime fan per se but I wouldn't mind trying something new and Promised Wonderland seems like a good place to start.
  6. aveli

    Is age of empire available on android phone?

    I've actually never played Age Of Empire but I hear it is quite interesting. Maybe I'll give I it a try sometime in the near future.
  7. aveli

    What was your first game on the PS4?

    If my memory serves me right then the first game I played after getting my ps4, was NBA 2K14.
  8. aveli

    Tell me about your favorite game to play on PS4?

    Exactly what I'm trying to say.
  9. aveli

    Tell me about your favorite game to play on PS4?

    Far cry 4 is so far the best game I've played on ps4. I loved the side quests, the story line was amazing and the graphics were just out of this world.
  10. aveli

    Have you played new game on PS4?

    I've only played mainstream games on ps4 but I'll be sure to check it out.
  11. aveli

    Want to Join the Quake Champions Closed Beta?! Find Out More Here!

    After reading this I'm definitely considering Quake.
  12. aveli

    Want to Join the Quake Champions Closed Beta?! Find Out More Here!

    After reading this I'm definitely considering Quake.
  13. aveli

    Media: Vermintide 2 - First Run Full Campaign!

    This was awesome at least you get to everything you need to know if you are looking to get invested.
  14. aveli

    Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Arrives In March

    After reading this I had to on youtube to look for the video and I have to say you are right, this is definitely worth the trouble.
  15. aveli

    How old are Tyrion and Teclis?

    There isn't much information out there about their age but, 350 years estimation is pretty good.