Starting out.


New Member
I’m 41 and I’ve never played warhammer so I’m looking for some advice. I loved the aesthetic of the game when I was young but would just look through the catalogues and leaflets thinking I’d never be able to create such amazing models. I did have around 4 models that I got through a mail order offer including an orc and a space marine but I used to just flick these at each other! I did also have a top trumps set of goblins and orcs which included squigs. I absolutely loved those.

I’m planning on starting collecting and having a go at painting some models as like I say I live the aesthetic. I’m not sure how successful I’ll be but I’d like some advice on where to start. I’m unsure if I’ll start playing as I’ve watched a few videos by Guy at midwinter minis about how to play and it blows my mind! I’m not sure I’ll ever pick it up! On that note when playing do you need the core rules and the codex for your specific army? Sorry if I’m asking questions with obvious answers but I am a complete beginner with no idea what I’m doing!

It’s a bit of a rambling post so apologies but if anyone could give me some advice on where to start I.e best models, any other YouTube vids to watch, books to buy etc I’d be very grateful

Cheers folks