The Best Siege Map in Total War Warhammer - The Epic Siege Battle of Talabheim

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Feb 20, 2017 at 6:41 PM
Posted by HarleyQuinn
In this epic Total War Warhammer multiplayer siege battle of Talabheim, the Empire forces of Karl Franz and Volkmar the Grim must defend their gigantic city and the mountain passes surrounding it from hordes of the Undead from Mousillon and the Vampire Counts. Mannfred von Carstein, the Red Duke, and 7,000 undead march on the gates of this ancient city centered in the middle of a massive meteor impact crater. If the Emperor and Grand Theogonist are to win the day, they must utilize their finest tactics and troops if they are to survive the overwhelming hordes of the Vampire Counts.

Honestly I think this is the coolest, best, and most exciting Siege Defense on Youtube, even surpassing the Kraka Ravnsvake Siege defense I posted a few days ago. I hope my commentary lives up to the epicness of the replay!

Here is the fantastic map by BennyMCL:
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