Recent content by walter12

  1. W

    Godzilla in Hell

    It seems that it's the only one without any motive
  2. W

    World cup channel

    Was never interested in bowling competitions but play it sometimes
  3. W

    Snake game

    I used to play it a lot as a kid, never beat it though :)
  4. W

    So what is everyone's opinion on Mass Effect andromeda

    There will always be hope and they can improve by doing so
  5. W

    PC games on DOSBOX

    I mean i have varioused emulators and so far no issues
  6. W

    Thoughts on Captain Marvel

    I feel like all these super hero movies seem to neglect the plot and only focus on CGI
  7. W

    What did you found special in Xbox ?

    There will always be exclusive games to every console
  8. W

    What was your first game on the PS4?

    You can still try it now, it's not thatlate
  9. W

    Where is your TV?

    I really doubt they will be gone anytime soon
  10. W

    So what is everyone's opinion on Mass Effect andromeda

    I don't think the wait will be any longer
  11. W

    what is the specoial thing in PS4?

    It will always be, and it will only be apparent in coming years
  12. W

    Warhammer Animated Series In the Works

    They have the material, they just need to deliver
  13. W

    Where is your TV?

    Having asingle tv in any house in this day and age is very rare
  14. W

    So what is everyone's opinion on Mass Effect andromeda

    I hope they do improve it, and it can be good then
  15. W

    what is the specoial thing in PS4?

    That's why most of them always focus on certain areas