
  1. F

    Warcraft movie

    Is it any good? I am not a hardcore Warcraft fan, but I played Warcraft 3 and I like it. When I heard that the movie is coming out I was just saying "It was about time" but now I am not sure if it was a good idea or not. What do you think? Is it worth watching? I heard that people actually like...
  2. F

    Favorite mind twisting movie

    If you like movies like these, which one is your favorite? Mine would probably be Interstellar or Inception. Both are amazing and I can't really decide which one is better, but maybe Interstellar slightly. I also like Mr Nobody, Predestination, and Cloud Atlas.
  3. F

    Favorite character death

    Regardless of if it is a game, movie, or TV show, which one would be your favorite? The one that brought tear to your eye. Mine would probably be Tali's death from Mass Effect because it happened all of a sudden for me. I played the game 3 times, she always survived, and the fourth time I did...