Video Games made into movies?

I think it's a good thing making a video game to a movie, it's good to see the videogame characters in real life. Resident evil is my favorite, the movies are pretty cool.
Only a few have managed to do a good job, others were just terrible.
Lara croft tomb raider is one such movie that definitely affected me in many ways. I didn't like the new reboot of the series.
So, how do many of you feel about video games being made into movies. Do you think it would be better if video games would stay in their own realm? Personally, I think it would be best since most video game based movies have poor acting, plot and just don't stay true enough to the original franchise.
I am of the opinion that when video games are made into movies, it brings the whole storyline of the game to life and gives the game creator a chance to explain things outside the confines of the game and much more accurately and broadly.

A good example of this is the Sonic the Hedgehog movie. The Sonic story started from a cartoon, evolved into a video game and then culminated into an awesome movie that I'd recommend to anyone.

Another example is the spiderman movies. Like Sonic, spiderman began as a cartoon, found its way into the video game realm and ended up as a series of movies.