What was the first Horror movie you saw?

Some big names in the horror movies lately have been Stephen King and John Carpenter, to name a few- but how about the older guys, like Alfred Hitchcock and Vincent Price, or even George A. Romero. I was to young to remember the first horror movie I watched, but it was probably "The Birds" by Alfred Hitchcock maybe.
And nermin keeps on spamming on every forum.

that being said, I think the sabrina and the doll movie from indonesia was good.
What was your very first Horror movie you ever saw. Mind was either Child's play or Gremlins (if that counts). I was around 6-8 when I saw these two films.
The first horror movie I watched was The Conjuring. I later proceeded to watch The Conjuring 2 and 3 which were released later. This movies center around a couple that hunts and stores evil objects and spirits to keep the world safe. The wife is psychic and can feel the energies and auras in a room and figure out whether there is evil in a particular place. The couple travel together to all parts of the world as long they are contacted and asked to help out.

Some of the evils they combat are the epitome of dread and cause chills to run down the viewers' spines, at least in my case that is. Completely ignoring the risks of their escapades, they valiantly fight the forces of darkness and always find a way to win.