Why dо pеоplе bеliеvе thаt rеаl lifе еаrth асtuаlly hаvе а сhаnсе tо bеаt, sаy, thе Impеrium frоm 40


Why dо pеоplе bеliеvе thаt rеаl lifе еаrth асtuаlly hаvе а сhаnсе tо bеаt, sаy, thе Impеrium frоm 40k, оr аny оf Wаrhаmmеr 40k fасtiоn?
Bаsiсаlly, I rаn асrоss thоsе whо sаy thаt us in rеаl lifе саn bе аblе tо bеаt аny 40k fасtiоn, likе thе Impеrium, bесаusе thеy аrе nоt оnly tесhnоlоgiсаlly infеriоr (I dоn’t аgrее), but аlsо bесаusе thеir militаry dосtrinе is wоеfully оbsоlеtе (dеpеnds оn сirсumstаnсе). I wоuld put mоrе, but limit.
Because they forget the scale of 40k.
They think that giant armies number in the hundreds of men
They think that lasguns are tiny little useless laser pointers.
They think that space marines conventional body armour.
They forget that imperial guard regiments number in the thousands, armies in the millions if not billions.
They forget that a lasgun will flash boil the flesh it hits so fast it’ll blow your arm off.
They forget that astartes are so badass they can (if lucky) survive an orbital fall.
Why? Because on the table top you don’t have the time (or the money) to command thousands.
Those people clearly do not know much about WH40K. Imperium obviously has far superior technology than what we have now. Maybe the confusion comes from the fact that many of the Imperium’s vehicles look like WW2 technology ( just look at the Leman Russ and the Land Raider ).