S.o.S. with army


I have looked into all the armies of A.o.S.

I want to play a competitive army at my local store. I have looked into Tzeentch, Sylvaneth, Nurgle, Khorne, *All of the Death Order. I want an army that works at 500, 1000, 2000 pts. I am not asking for a list built for me but rather everyones experience with these armies!
I am a fan of them all and their looks so I have no qualms with painting or fielding any!

I understand the ways they all work for the most part (Nurgle and Skellies are slow grinds), Tzeentch is alot of shooting and such. I am just asking for experiences what units y'all like or units you think are OP and such.
nurgle are kinda hard right now unless you mix and suffer vs shooting, khorne is getting a buff but really one has one viable competitive list atm. sylvaneth is fun, their hunters are stupid strong shooters. tree lords can be pretty mean, otherwise its pretty straight forward and fun to warp around with trees, good amount of customization. tzeentch are new and shooty and lots of magic. and death, your miles may very. a 60 zombie horde with 2 corpse carts a vampire lord and one other general i cant remember(Edit: Necromancer) can throw out 120 attacks with 3 to hit 2 to wound. its really nasty and will make most rage quit. you make the vampire the general and then use the necro and its pretty nasty.
Spirit hosts have often been my mvps playing death. Drop a mystic shield on them and they can hold up a unit of Varanguard and trade model for model with them.