Warhammer Warcry to Get New Warband
Warhammer Warcry will be getting a new warband to its skirmish army. The Vulkyn Flameseekers were announced by Games Workshop last weekend.
According to a community post, the studio will be bringing added firepower to Warhammer Warcry. Flameseekers are members of the Fyreslayers of the Lofnir Lodge, a group that has used magmadroths as wards for many years. With the coming of the Era of the Beast, they hope to grow and expand their stable.
In addition, a part of their belief system adores the Vulcatrix, the great godbeast that killed their ancestor god. The deep mystery revolves around how they eventually attribute worship to this god. The Magmadroth eggs were created by such deeds.
As a result, every member of the Warhammer Warcry Vulkyn Flameseekers warband is an expert beastmaster. Not only do they fight on powerful mounts, but they also seek the holy flames of the Vulcatrix, believing that these will imbue their wards with godlike abilities.
Nonetheless, there is a queer order to their warring strategies. A Vulkyn Runefather leads each warband, armed with a great axe or shovel-like bokaz. Drothmasters, the Magmadroth tamers, represent each warband. How and why it became necessary to domesticate these creatures has not yet been revealed. However, it has to do with their god.
Notably, Drothblood Thanes are in great demand now that the heartbeat of Ghur is stirring the blood of these beasts. Some of which even become too frenzied to be controlled or contained. When that happens, it is up to them to defeat it.
However, Flameseekers use the Magmadroth’s body to make cloaks and armor, providing the warband with legendary resilience. The reverence paid to these animals ie even carried beyond the grave. It forms a part of who they are and when faced with battle, that homage is transformed into fierce fighting.