The Stormcast Eternals Get New Look
The Stormcast Eternals have been raging war since the first edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Now they are set to appear in the Realms of Ruins expansion. The great news is they are up for a new outlook.
A new design was unveiled by Frontier Developments for the Stormcast Eternals Liberator. The warriors appeared wearing Thunderstrike Armor in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Realms of Ruin. This is purely a cosmetic change, but it has major implications for the Age of Sigmar tabletop game.
According to a press release from Frontier Developments, the unit will reappear in Realms of Ruin.
“ (Stormcast Eternals) will appear on day one, and you’ll be able to alternate between the Classic variant of the Liberator and this newer iteration in Conquest Mode and Multiplayer using a loadout menu”
With an oversized, gold-plated, metal face mask, Stormcast Eternals marked a dramatic departure from the Warhammer Old World army. They debuted in the first edition of Age of Sigmar way back in 2015. The chunky design of the Age of Sigmar starter set was intended, at least in part, to make painting miniatures easier.
Furthermore, each edition of Age of Sigmar has seen Stormcast’s range expand, and its distinctive chunky armor has had a design overhaul. In the third edition, the distinctive chunky armor of the Stormcast was overhauled. New units wearing sleek Thunderstrike armor were introduced in the Dominion launch box.
Besides its new look, Thunderstrike armor has a special function. It launches Stormcast souls into the realm of Azyr once they die. The process is said to be explosive but assures a unique purpose.
The armor makes them immune to the darkness created at the end of ‘Broken Realms’ by the Chaos prince Be’lakor. However, no classic Stormcast Units have been seen in the upgraded armor.