Warhammer 40k: Kill Team Set to Replace Older Miniatures
Dubbed as one of the top surprises released by Games Workshop on Warhammer Day, the Warhammer 40k: Kill Team is coming soon. It is a planned replacement for some of the longest and oldest miniatures of the Warhammer Universe.
The next expansion for the Skirmish game Kill Team, Kill Team Salvation, will include new sculpts for Warhammer 40k Eldar Striking Scorpions. On Warhammer Day, Saturday, October 14, Games Workshop previewed the contents of the expansion.
As part of the Warhammer 40k Kill Team: Salvation series, the Aeldari warriors will face off against Space Marine Scouts. This is another new kit that was previously previewed at the Nova Open at the end of August. They will also be usable in their respective factions within Warhammer 40k
There are noted differences between the Kill Teams and the Striking Scorpions, especially as it relates to armed units. Kill Teams normally consist of minis with specialized capabilities, such as snipers, demolition experts, medics, etc. Each unit enables attack and destroy tactical strategy.
However, the Striking Scorpions include a variety of warriors. The Striking Scorpions include nine warriors carrying chainswords, shuriken pistols, and an Exarch wielding a variety of neat weapons.
According to Eddie Eccles, Warhammer Community Manager, the Kill Team can include Howling Banshees and Dire Avengers. He also revealed that there will be bonuses for either focus or mixing and matching.
In addition, the Craftworld Eldar range will continue to update its units with the Striking Scorpions. These will eventually replace the finecast resin kit originally released in 2006.
Furthermore, they are also known as ‘Aspect Warriors’. They embody the essence and battle strategies of the Aeldari path of war. They can effectively infiltrate and ambush their opponents.
Moreover, their weaponry is without comparison. They possess ‘mandiblasters’ – psychically activated needle guns that empower their melee attacks with Devastating Wound infliction ability. Making them effective against non-monster and non-vehicle targets.