Warhammer Horus Heresy Gets Space Marine Apothecary
Warhammer: The Horus Heresy has been updated with two new Space Marine Apothecary sets. Set to release in January as part of the ‘Apothecarion Detachment pack’, these Forge World resin Minis will make great additions to any Legiones Astartes army.
Both have different power armor. One has MK VI Corvus plates and the other has a studded MK V Heresy set. Both have chainswords and nartheciums. Their healing apparatus grants them the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule when attached to another unit.
As Games Workshop‘s Warhammer Community post from Thursday reminds us, Feel No Pain doesn’t stack and Artillery Subtypes aren’t affected. You can pick up to eight Apothecaries in a single Elites choice. As the studio puts it, “Spread them out among your troops and laugh in the face of enemy firepower”.
In the Primaris Space Marines, an Apothecary is a specialist medicae officer who has advanced scientific, biomedical, and combat training, and who serves as a combat medic and research physician.
In addition to combat duties, Apothecaries monitor their Chapter’s neophytes for mutations in their gene-seed and organ implants and perform the implantation process in their aspirants.
An extract from the book of Apocrypha of Eons describes the full duty of the Apothecary. The journey of the Space marine is fighting alongside the Emperor of Man.
“Yours is to serve, unto the last drop of your blood, that your brothers might live to fight on. Watch over them, heal them, offer up your very life should it extend theirs but a moment, and by your sacrifice the enemy be slain. And when the time comes that you must fulfill your most solemn oath, speak clearly, speak proudly, speed the bolt that brings his end, and send him joyously to the Emperor’s side. Then do your duty, take that which is due, and know your mission is done.“