Games Workshop Reveals Female Custodians in 10th Edition
Games Workshop has confirmed that female Adeptus Custodes warriors exist in Warhammer 40k lore. The studio later affirmed via Twitter responses that “there have always been female Custodians”. The move has sparked a fair amount of fan controversy
The center of the controversy lies in the new revelation in the 10TH edition. There is a character in the new 10th edition Adeptus Custodes codex named “Custodian Calladyce Taurovalia Kesh”. The author refers to her by female pronouns for the first time. It’s the first confirmation from Games Workshop that the gold-clad Warhammer 40k faction includes women in its ranks
The Warhammer community reacted to the news over the weekend, with many questioning Games Workshop’s decision on Twitter. the studio responded on Sunday with the following tweet:
“Since the first of the Ten Thousand were created, there have always been female Custodians.”
Games Workshop Reveals Female Custodians in 10th Edition
If the company ever wanted to justify introducing female Space Marines, it would have to make up new story elements. With regular Space Marines, older Warhammer lore texts limit the super-soldiers to biologically male human children.
In contrast, the arcane techniques used to create even bigger superlative warriors have been deliberately kept mysterious, without regard to gender or sex. These were the Emperor’s personal guard and were created long before the Horus Heresy,
Yet, nearly three decades of books and short stories have only featured male Custodian Guards, fighting alongside their fierce female allies the Sisters of Silence. The introduction of a female Custodian appears to indicate an intentional narrative shift on the studio’s part.
The shift is unusual as it has not been associated with any specific changes to the Adeptus Custodes miniatures. An anonymous Twitter user, RatGirlMini, asked Games Workshop whether it was producing a sprue of female Custodian heads, and the firm said, “We’ll see