Darktide Gets New DLC With Amazing Mission
The phrase “The Emperor protects” is common in the Warhammer 40K world, usually said by the Imperium right before they die. It is also something you may say while playing Warhammer 40,000: Darktide update Secrets of the Machine God, since you will face many enemies.
The game takes place in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. You play a member of the Imperial Guard, made up of treason-convicted individuals who are attempting to redeem themselves. To do so, they must undertake covert suicide missions.
Secrets of the Machine God introduces new content to Darktide, including a new mission, Clandestium Gloriana. In this mission, the Rejects run into Swagger, a mysterious stranger with unknown origins. You are both assigned to restart an old Adeptus Mechanicus Foundryplex on a snowy planet.
Darktide: Secrets of the Machine God
Generally, the level plays out as other Darktide missions do. Players are dropped in a secure spot and are tasked with fighting their way out. It’s still enjoyable. Throughout the level, you’re given nuggets of lore about the people and how others perceive them.
When you’re not paying attention, you might miss the important story beats. The implementation of snow into the game made this level engaging to play. There will be times when you’ll need to interact with parts of the snow in order to proceed forward.
Additionally, seeing Swagger appear for most of the mission kept things interesting and fun. He’s a character they purposefully left vague, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of him.
However, the excitement does not stop here. Aside from Clandestium Gloriana, Secrets of the Machine God also introduces four new weapons into the DLC. These include a two-handed pickaxe for Ogryns, Shockmauls, a shotgun, and the iconic Bolt Pistol.
Secrets of the Machine God adds a lot to the story and stirs things up a bit. It is free content introduced in Darktide. It is well worth checking out if you already own the game.