Games Workshop Reveals Kroot Space Doggos for Tau Army
Games Workshop has updated models for a classic Tau Empire unit, the bestial Kroot Hounds. A preview on the Warhammer Community site shows off the new models and rules.
As one of the lesser factions of Warhammer 40K, the Kroot usually serve as auxiliary units alongside the more advanced T’au. Their genomes are flexible, able to incorporate the genetic material from any food that they consume – a trait that has led to the development of a large variety of Krootiform species.
One of the offshoots of the Kroot race is the Kroot Hound, which is a four-legged predator that hunts in packs. The Kroot rely on the Kroot Hound to bring down wily opponents with its rapid pace.
The WarCom article reveals some of the rules for the Kroot Hounds that will appear in the T’au’s Warhammer 40k Codex. With ‘Loping Pounce’, Kroot Hounds can charge friendly Kroot Infantry even if they have advanced in the same turn.
In addition, the ability ‘Hunting Hounds’ grants them an Objective Control score of one when they’re within 12″ of a Kroot character – not much, but better than the OC score of zero they start with. There are several new Kroot models that Games Workshop already showed at the Las Vegas Open convention in January. However, in Monday’s article, they promise that there are more to come.
Notable, Games Workshop teased a large feline Krootiform and a Kroot character riding it in its winter teasers. According to Lexicanum, there is a humanoid species of Xenos who inhabit the galaxy, the Kroot is scientifically named Krootis aviana, and is known by the Imperium as a Kroot Carnivore. They appear across the galaxy, but are to a greater extent associated with the Tau Empire.
”The Kroot originated on the world of Pech and, though their physiology is humanoid, there is evidence to suggest that the roots of their evolution may be avian in origin. ”