Games Workshop Rolls Out New Kroots
Games Workshop is expanding its legions and has released five new Kroots during the Las Vegas Open Show. None of them are exciting, but the Kroot Carnivores (regular infantry) are needed – old models are more ancient than a Tech Priest’s Omnissian Axe. There’s a new weapon, the tanglebomb launcher, and a baby hound that seems mandatory every time there’s a new game.
While the two Shapers, a War Shaper and Flesh Shaper respectively, are great characters with a few weapons, the Krootox is the highlight of the release.
The new Krootox Riders have been designed to resemble brick outhouses. They’re finally suited for the hulking beasts of T’au lore, with two weapon options this time around, but they’ve been overshadowed by the new Krootox Rampagers.
Krootox Rampagers might be the best models at the Las Vegas Open, ahead of the Mordheimian Saviours of Cinderfall. This model’s movements are full of energy and motion, charging at their foes with beaked rage.
As they swipe at each other with machetes and axes, they fire pistols into the air and otherwise try to appear menacing. They succeed. These models are fantastic, and I am looking forward to seeing the second half of the army. But what’s coming? We have a few hints.
First, we have the Rumour Engine silhouette, which shows a Kroot riding a creature. It looks positively reptilian, which isn’t consistent with the Krootox revealed so far. This will probably be a mounted character ride on a genetically modified mount created just for its royal highness to distinguish it from the Shapers.
Kroot Hounds got new sculpts for the Kroot’s Kill Team, the Farstalker Kinband, so there should be a separate release for these including new poses. There have been mentions of winged Kroot in the lore, and cannibals could conceivably evolve into almost anything if they put their minds to it, but I cannot envision a flying unit. It would be too inconvenient for the Vespidians.