Games Workshop Using Miniature from 2008
A “lost” Warhammer Fantasy miniature will be released with the launch of Games Workshop’s Warhammer: The Old World. The Old World, the brand’s upcoming game set in the Warhammer Fantasy world, promises to bring back the Bretonnian Lord on Foot miniature from Warhammer Fantasy.
As you can see from the image, the miniature features Lord on Foot and a retainer carrying the Lord’s helmet. The “new” miniature was actually designed and revealed back in 2008, but it was never released to the public. To prepare for Warhammer: The Old World’s release, Games Workshop designers located the original miniature and had their production team make new molds to allow metal models to be produced.
In an article explaining the circumstances of the lost model, Games Workshop model designer Martin Footitt explained the history of the model. “He was made in modeling putty with sculpting tools (dental tools),” Footitt said. “I had wanted to do a Lord on foot as all of our knight models were mounted. He was intended to be a Games Day exclusive miniature, but in the end, another of my models replaced him, the Exalted Hero of Chaos at Games Day 2009.”
Games Workshop has unveiled the Lord on Foot miniature, the first new metal miniature made by the company in three years. Despite warning that other unreleased miniatures won’t be a part of The Old World, they do promise that more surprises will be on the way.
This weekend, Games Workshop is also expected to reveal more details about the new The Old World army. Those attending the launch event in Nottingham will be the first to see the new army, although details will also be revealed within the next few days.
The new miniature will be welcomed by the Warhammer community and may even create a stir for the best painting job.