Hivestorm Pre-Order Opens for Warhammer Kill Team
Kill Team: Hivestorm has finally arrived – the incredible new boxed set, eight returning teams, and special pre-order incentives are all part of the new edition. Games Workshop has opened pre-ordering for the Kill Team Hivestorm starting last Saturday.
The studio has assured that unless there is a special note somewhere, there is a 100% guarantee of the items listed in the presale description ad.
Kill Team: Hivestorm is the fantastic launch set for the new edition of Kill Team, starring two brand new teams, new terrain, tons of gaming accessories, and the complete rules you need to play. This marks a new era for strategic spec ops skirmishes, with the rules you know and love refined and streamlined into the most action-packed, easy-to-learn game yet.
Kill Team: Hivestorm Now in Pre-Order
With every Hivestorm pre-order, two new kill teams are included, pitting the Tempestus Aquilons and Vespid Stingwings with their new T’au Empire tech. There are 22 multi-part miniatures in all, all with detail and multiple ways of assembling them.
The Vespid and Aquilons are fighting amidst the ruins of Killzone: Volkus,* a new set of terrain with multiple vantage points and tall walls to add verticality to the Kill Team experience. A new pack of equipment tokens makes battles an even more tactical affair, now giving operatives the choice of grenades, ladders, barricades, and more to even the odds.
Also included are two rule books – a Core Book full of fundamental rules and the Hivestorm Dossier packed with new lore, missions, and rules for the two teams – plus a set of dice, a double-sided game board, and a huge token sheet packed with useful aids for common rules.
Moreover, the two kill teams have their own sets of tokens that are spread across another sheet of paper, specifically designed for their own rules.