Iridan Brings the Power of the Bleak Raven to the Stormcast Eternals
The Ruination chambers have been unleashed by Sigmar as billions of Skaven swarm across the Mortal Realms. These veteran Stormcast Eternals have become his ultimate weapons. Each warrior’s forgotten tragedy has been reincarnated as Iridan the Witness.
With great memory, Iridan was both blessed and cursed upon Reforging with eidetic recollection. This once empowered them as Lord-Celestant, but the cost of remembering their fellow warriors during their prime weighed heavily upon Iridan.
As Iridan watched his friends suffer, he turned to the gods for assistance. The death god Morrda invited them on a pilgrimage to a remote temple, where they met the Morrgrpyh Ariax, took a sacred flame filled with Morrda’s essence, and encountered mysterious visions.
Iridan Brings Help to the Stormcast Eternals
A final, ultimate death would free their comrades from the endless cycle of suffering. With the God-King’s blessing, they created the Ruination chambers with Ionus Cryptborn, created the Memorian Order to aid their allies, and became a compassionate arbiter.
As a Stormcast Eternal, they wield the Axe of the Final Threshold with both fury and compassion, remembering the heroic histories of every Stormcast Eternal who succumbed to the curse.
Ariax transports Irirdan from hotspot to hotspot while they whisper the Prayer of the Witness to the Bleak Raven, causing the Bleak Raven to heal Ruination Chamber warriors in the midst of combat. The Prayer of the Witness is displayed by killing unlucky foes just before the great Morrgryph reappears.
It is possible for Iridan to join Stormcast Eternal forces from the Bleak Citadels, as well as to lead his own Army of Renown – the Ruination Brotherhood. The Ruination Brotherhood can consist of Ruination Chamber units, Liberators, Knight-Questors, and any non-Hero Warrior Chamber units.
A Ward (6+) is granted to nearby Warrior Chamber units by the Hallowed Presence of Ruination Chamber units – grievously wounded but venerable warriors with many lifetimes of combat experience. Bleak Citadel Warriors rely on accompanying Heroes to help them Temper the Flaw, coming back from the brink of death if they are Guided, or becoming Tormented if they stray too far from their warden.