Legio Cybernetica: How to Enlist the Support of Mighty Battle
In a surprising twist today, Games Workshop is promoting the Legio Cybernetica. The studio said on its community blog that the “Rise of the Dark Mechanicum is the latest supplement for Legions Imperialis, bringing armies of robots and technological abominations from either side of the Schism of Mars. One of the main fighting forces of the Mechanicum is the Legio Cybernetica, at the same time respected and feared due to its use of terrifying battle-automata.
Bonded Cybernetica Support Formations allow you to add Legio Cybernetica cohorts to your army lists. Support Formations have simple rules for inclusion in your army lists. Each army can have one Support Formation, one for every regular Formation chosen from a Core List. Some Support Formations allow you to choose Detachments from other army lists.
Enlist the Support of Mighty Battle with Free Legio Cybernetica
It consists of seven Formations: one for each of the Legiones Astartes, the Solar Auxilia, the Mechanicum Taghmata, and the Dark Mechanicum, as well as two for Knight Households. With special rules and detachment lists, each comes with a note detailing how to convert or paint your miniatures.
As the relentless wars of the Horus Heresy continued, the Legions suffered losses on an apocalyptic scale. Most found some means of bolstering their ranks – some conventional, others arcane and proscribed. One fairly common method was to induct Cybernetica maniples directly into line units, with some even granted the honour of wearing Legion heraldry.
There are a lot of opportunities to paint Brethren of Iron automata according to their Legion’s heraldry. it is recommended at least some parts of the automata be painted in the dominant color of the Legion, as in the example above.
Some longer-serving maniples may have automata fully adorned with the colors of their associated legion, wearing the signs of their allegiance.