Lightning-Scoured Stormcast Eternals and More
The Mortal Realms are in upheaval following the Vermindoom eruption, and incursions from Blight City have now spread across all eight realms. Now in the Hour of Ruin, conflicts are everywhere – from large-scale battles to small-scale confrontations.
The Ruination chamber is now allied with Warcry in the fight against the Skaven threat. The Darkoath and Brand’s Oathbound – those unwitting souls who helped usher in the Vermindoom – battle against them.
Known for their lightning-scoured reclusion, these warbands are made up of Prosecutors, Reclusians, and a variety of heroes such as Gryph-stalker and the Lord-Vigilant. The lightning-scoured reclusions draw inspiration from a series of timeless memories.
It is possible for a fighter to become favored if they successfully fulfill the Oath of Murder, earning a free [double] with a value of 1, such as Raider’s Tenacity, which enables some gratis healing for a variety of fighters.
Among their Warbands are Prosecutors, Reclusians, and a variety of heroes, including the Lord-Vigilant of Gryph-stalker, Lord-Terminos, Lord-Veritant, and the upcoming Knight-Azyros.
In the grand scheme of things, the Age of Sigmar is a relatively new one, and many mortals survive in the unpacified regions with dark pacts with Chaos Gods. They swear oaths before battle, and their fallen patrons bless them in return.
Fighters who successfully complete the Oath of Murder can become favored, earning free [doubles] of 1, such as Raider’s Tenacity, which provides free healing on many types of fighters.