Lord Thorne of the Wold Defies Liege Helm Hammerhand
Lord Thorne of the Wold was one of the many lords of Rohan under Helm Hammerhand’s rule. A nobleman of extravagant means, Thorne was a trusted advisor and advisor to his liege in times of war. But Thorne’s ambitions and desire for power challenged Thorne’s loyalty.
Thorne is the latest character revealed in Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. A craven lordling of Rohan sworn to King Helm – whose ambition leads to a betrayal.
A Rohan Hero of Fortitude, he is the only way to field Traitor Rohan units in Usurpers of Edoras. As his special rules indicate, he is betraying Rohan in all he does.
Lord Thorne of the Wold Defies Liege Helm Hammerhand
In contrast to Wulf and Freca, Thorne represents an elegant and well-preserved general. He will be available from Forge World.
When Lord Thorne betrays Helm and sides with Wulf, he takes a number of his followers with him to attack Edoras. Lord Thorne may only include Rohirrim Traitors in his Warband.
Edoras Shall Fall
Those who have sided with Lord Thorne and attacked Edoras do so with the resolve to see the city razed to the ground. During the Fight Phase, friendly Rohirrim Traitors within 6″ of Lord Thorne gain a bonus of +1 to their Fight Value.
This is a battle in Middle Earth Strategy and all week, Games Workshop has been tasing the individuals of the conflict. Along with Freca, Lord of the West-march, and Helm Hammerhand himself, players are being prepared for something new. What that may be, we are just not sure.
The Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game is a tabletop game for two or more players. Players use miniatures to recreate events from The Lord of the Rings™ and The Hobbit™ movies. By controlling their favourite heroes, villains, and armies, and by rolling dice, players can help determine the fate of Middle-earth.