New Darkoath Raiders Spearhead Box Hits Shelves
It’s here, finally here. The long unspoken truth finally reveals who the Darkoath Raiders are. “The Slaves to Darkness have many faces, but many among them are the hardy men and women of the Darkoath Tribes, abandoned by Sigmar when he beat a hasty retreat from Archaon at the dawn of the Age of Chaos.”
Their most fierce commanders seek the heady heights of the Path to Glory, and they swear allegiance to their gods in exchange for power. They will soon be able to swear allegiance in this intense game mode due to the arrival of a vicious new Spearhead alongside Battletome: Slaves to Darkness.
A Darkoath Warqueen, a fierce warrior who has attained the dizzying heights of leadership among the Darkoath Tribes, has started her arduous trek to ascend the Path to Glory, uniting the nomadic group of brutes known as the Darkoath Raiders.
New Darkoath Raiders Spearhead Box Hits Shelves
They can prove their strength to the gods and earn a hefty prize by taking one of their notorious Oaths to Darkness once every turn. They do this by showing their opponent one of their fighting technique cards.
If you score the card, it remains face up and you can use its command ability at any time for the rest of the game. Face-up By keeping your oaths, which do not count against your hand of fighting strategies, you can accumulate a wealth of instructions to draw upon.
Two Regiment Abilities are available to the Darkoath Raiders. As Fearless Invaders, they can capitalize on their innate ability to launch hit-and-run attacks, or they can use the Rage of Arkhar to focus entirely on melee combat, allowing a unit to increase their Rend.
The key figure is the Darkoath Warqueen herself, who bestows enhanced hit rolls to a unit within 12″ while taking the Oath of Supremacy in her Hero Phase.
The Darkoath Savagers are typically seen wandering the land in search of their own oaths, accompanied by a Godspeaker who uses her divination abilities to get Visions of Glory.