Warhammer: The Old World for Beginners
Warhammer: The Old World is the biggest thing since Age of Sigmar. No other announcement has kept the Warhammer Community eager and on their toes, not even the Space Marines. What is Warhammer: The Old World and how can newcomers understand it?
Most people like thinking of a single Warhammer Universe where all the different Warhammer games are connected. However, this is not quite the case. In reality, Warhammer is like a huge group of games and licenses united by the creator, Games Workshop. The easy way to start i dividing the franchise into two parts:
- Tabletop Games: This is where Warhammer began. Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Games Workshop’s first tabletop wargame, was created in 1983. Games Workshop creates these strategy war games based on imaginary stories related to actual historical points in human history. It is accompanied by figures from common folklore, such as dwarves and elves.
- The Video Games: Video games such as Total War: Warhammer have continued its legacy, but the tabletop version was discontinued in 2015. A large part of these is created by third party studios using game licenses from the Warhammer franchise.
What Is Warhammer: The Old World?
The Old World is Games Whorkshop’s attempt to reintroduce Fantasy Battles to a new generation of gamers, even though in a slightly altered form. In addition to the setting name, The Old World is also a geographic location within the game.
The area marked out in the Old World map is not as extensive as other Warhammer lore. It’s primarily inhabited by humans like The Empire and Bretonnia. However, it’s also home to dwarves, wood elves, beastmen, tomb kings, and more. Unlike Fantasy Battles, which featured a much larger map, the area is reduced and gameplay is restricted to the predefined boundaries.
In addition, it takes place decades before Total War: Warhammer, it goes back to the time of the origin. It is set in human history copying The Empire of Man similar to the Roman Empire, Bretonnia, or the Anglo-Saxon world, the Tomb Kings, or the Egyptian empire, etc.
Get ready to fight dragons, forge alliances with dwarves and elves, and battle the beastmen and other factions that would prefer that humans do not exist.