Age of Sigmar to Lose 4 Loved Factions
In 2025, Games Workshop will stop supporting the Beasts of Chaos faction in Age of Sigmar. The most affected factions are the Stormcast Eternals, Skaven, and Beasts of Chaos.
It should be noted that all Beasts of Chaos models will be removed from the game. At the same time, the entire army line will be repackaged in Warhammer: The Old World. Also, all impacted units and factions will receive free battletomes and warscrolls, which can be used in competitive play until 2025.
Stormcast Eternals lose 23 miniatures, many of them from the earliest days of Age of Sigmar. While this is a lot, the Stormcast Eternals have more miniatures than most other factions. Many of the miniatures impacted had similar playstyles as those left in the game.
Age of Sigmar to Lose 4 Loved Factions
In particular, the Sacrosanct Chamber has been removed from the game. This spurs the good news that the magic-tuned warriors are returning to Azyr to find a cure for the curse.
A total of 18 miniatures will be pulled from the Beasts of Chaos line. Some will remain active (like Tzaangors and Slaangors), but the majority will be pulled from Age of Sigmar to prepare them for Warhammer: The Old World. The Beasts of Chaos will stay active in at least one Games Workshop game. However, many fans have expressed disappointment that the army is being phased out.
16 Skaven miniatures will also be removed from the game. Many of these miniatures predate Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, and they are expected to be repainted as part of 4th Edition figures.
As for the Orruk Warclans, they will remain in Age of Sigmar, but the Bonesplitterz faction will be removed. Additionally, Darkoath will replace 11 miniatures in the Slaves to Darkness faction.
As part of Games Workshop’s business model, it updates older models and adds new lines to an army, but does not retire a full army. After being removed from active play with Age of Sigmar, the Tomb Kings and Bretonnians returned this year in The Old World.
In addition, the Squats from Warhammer: 40K were effectively retired in 2022 but returned somewhat with the Leagues of Votann.