Two New ‘Warhammer’ RPG Books Coming
Two new books will be coming soon to the Warhammer community bookshelves. They will expand the stories in both Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound – Blackened Earth andUbersreik Adventures III. Blackened Earth will land in stores in September, while Ubersreik Adventures III will roll out in Q1 2024.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound – Blackened Earth
The five-part campaign adventure book is set inside the free city Greywater Fastness in Ghyran, the Realm of Life. It is entitled Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound – Blackened Earth and lends continuation to explorations by the armies of Sigmar.
In the city, Sigmar’s armies have an important industrial base. However, Skaven infiltrators and forces from the Sylvaneth seek revenge for the pollution caused by the city. The blame is laid at the feet of the army, and the warriors vow no retreat until Sigmar’s armies are eliminated.
Notably, a total of five linked adventures can be found in this book, from the industrial streets of the city to the wastelands and wild areas surrounding it. There are also detailed maps of the city, new items, and rules for new Endeavours, monsters, and NPCs in Greywater Fastness.