Age of Sigmar Rule Change Coming Soon
A teaser for the next edition of Age of Sigmar has been released by Games Workshop, outlining the key areas where the game’s rules will change. The firm has revealed seven main changes we can expect from Age of Sigmar 4th edition, but details are scarce at the moment.
Last week at Adepticon, Games Workshop announced the release of Age of Sigmar 4th edition. As the game’s launch approaches, we can expect the company to share more information about it. In Monday’s post on Warhammer Community, several topics were discussed, and a video was also embedded. These topics will be elaborated on in upcoming articles related to the Age of Sigmar in Warhammer Community.
Age of Sigmar 4th Edition New Rules
According to the Games Workshop’s video, “a new modular approach to the rules means you only have to learn the rules you need when you need them”. There is certainly a benefit to committing to simplicity. Age of Sigmar third edition’s rules are completely legalistic, although the game is relatively straightforward.
Taking action during your opponent’s turn – The Fourth Edition will have new spells, such as Redeploy and Unleash Hell. These commands let players react to their opponent’s moves.
Double turns will come with more of a cost: The Warhammer Community video suggests that taking a double turn in Age of Sigmar’s upcoming edition will come at a higher cost due to changes in priority. This is a similar adjustment to what was made in the second and third editions, but the designers may have found a better balance this time around. It remains to be seen if this new edition will address the criticisms of the previous versions’ double turn mechanics.
More impactful battlefield terrain: The promise of “more impactful battlefield terrain” is appealing, but will that also mean greater complexity? Terrain matters in Warhammer 40k and Warhammer: The Old World, but it isn’t quite as important here.