How to Use Multipleplayer Mode in Rogue Trader.
A new video from Owlcat Games sheds light on Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader’s co-op capabilities. The studio explains how up to six players can team up to play the grid-based RPG.
It’s really easy to have friends join you at any point during the campaign by sharing a code and loading a saved game. Take a look at what we gleaned from the latest developer livestream and the online gaming community. Players can then continue in single player mode using the saved game instead of being dropped back into their own worlds.
This is a unique feature of Rogue Trader. A nice change from the classic hangover movie co-op experience of waking up back in your world without any idea what to do with your kit. Better to keep fighting in a new world, and deciding on your return point.
A co-op session starts with one player acting as the Lord Captain. This rogue trader is responsible for major dialogue decisions. All other players act as the retinue to their Lord Captain, highlighting responses but not selecting them.
Another feature of the co-op is delegating functions and responsibilities. You can oversee several stories at once, assign specific characters to other players, and even control the void ship that shuttles you around the universe. You can essentially field two smaller RPG parties at once.
One of the most important things is to watch each other’s backs in turn-based combat since friendly fire is very much a possibility. It might be necessary to fire indiscriminately at times. A major attraction of co-op play is space combat, which involves each player controlling a different element of a ship, including weapons and engines – surely, the basis for mishaps reminiscent of Sea of Thieves.
There is an inventory on the void ship that all players can access, but you can deal with your gear and level up on your own